The world’s biggest wins are distinguished with a “W,” and well, WizTheMc is no exception. A rising musician, his personal “dubs” consist of his weed supply, whimsicality, and working hard towards his goals. Wiz picked up the art of rapping at 14 years old, so getting the hang of new ideas was no problem for the aspiring artist. Born in Capetown and raised in Germany, Wiz worked his way to the urban scene of Toronto, where he was completely out on his own. But being alone did not deter the young artist. He picked up the English language and has been churning out pure artistry ever since.
Seven years later, Wiz is twenty-fun and fabulous, oh, and did we mention his hit single,“For A Minute” pulled in 21 million streams on Spotify? Success has arrived at the station, and Wiz hopped on the train to well-deserved stardom. From now until August, he will be releasing six new singles, infused with autobiographical stories and surreal sound that are sure to shock the crowd.
Wiz wants his world to be both heard and seen through his songs, which includes no shortage of accompanying music videos and touring to new spots. Defined by no genre, no style, and no place, Wiz is the wayward wanderer of the music industry that we not only want, but need.
As Wiz sings himself, “The World Is Fucked,” but one thing that isn’t is his lyrical prowess. His tentative single release schedule teases at one or two songs a month, so you might be waiting a while for all of Wiz’s brand new musical wizardry. But in the meantime, why not check out how the rhythmic rapper amounted to such glory, and where he plans to wander next in an interview with Sheesh Magazine!

What introduced you to the music making world?
I just started to love rap around the age of 14 and started freestyling everyday shortly afterward. Writing songs only came into play a year or so later once I got some practice in. By that point, I was hooked on music. No turning back.
Do you identify most with the hip-hop genre? Are there other genres you hope to break into?
Well, I started out with rap, so that will always be really important to me no matter what music I end up making. But for the past year or so I’ve been loving to use my voice in a more full way. I’ve enjoyed going way beyond hip hop and trying out new genres and vocal techniques. I’m excited for those songs to see the daylight.
Do you have any personal stories behind your songs and lyrics?
All of my songs are inspired by stories out of my life, some are literal and some are blown out of proportion. They’re all quite autobiographical, but music is the place where I can take real life experiences and tell a much bigger, more exciting story.
Who are your biggest musical inspirations? What about life inspirations?
I honestly don’t listen to enough music currently to tell you what inspires me musically. But life in general has had more of an impact on me lately… There have been lots of changes like relationships starting and ending. My feelings about myself and my relationship to the world around me are always inspiring to me more so than a specific musician.
Who is your dream collaboration?
I think it will change every couple of months because I’m always finding new things I like and going through phases in my work, but right now I really want to make a song with Dominic Fike.
What’s been the best performance you’ve had so far?
I played this super dope show in Frankfurt at the “Loft Arts” where they had a 12 piece band playing my instrumentals. I’ve never done anything quite like that before, and it was a vibe and a half.

You have a good amount of singles being released in the near future. Which one are you most connected to/excited about? Why?
All of them! It’s impossible to choose. I kind of see it as a new world I get to share with everyone. A lot has happened in the time of making these songs, so they carry some kind of extra weight to me. I hope that translates well.
Are you planning on making music videos with these singles?
Visuals are very important to me and will continue to be. They tell the story that can’t be told with the music itself. Prepare to be surprised!
What is your number one goal for your music career?
My number one goal for my music career is to be my most authentic self in my expression. I also just want to share my truth with as many people as possible. Music is my way of being heard and seen.
What’s been your biggest set-back in your career?
The biggest set back for me in my music career so far has honestly just been the fact that I couldn’t tour in 2020. That’s been hard for me. I feel like I really missed out on an exciting year of connecting with my fans in person.
You’ve lived in South Africa, Germany and Toronto. Which one has been your favorite so far and why? Any ideas of where you’d like to live next?
I don’t know… I couldn’t pick a favourite because I was in such different life situations living in each of those countries. All of those places feel like home, and I feel like there are many more undiscovered homes in all the places I haven’t looked yet.
Let’s say you’re stranded on a deserted island. You get to take one thing and one person with you. What are they?
Okay, so I think the key would just be to bring a teleporting machine (and some weed because why not?). I’d use the teleporting machine to just grab my fave people out of all the different timelines.
What are the three most important things in your life?
Simple: love, love and love.
And lastly…What’s the weirdest, but the best food combination in your opinion?
I don’t know how people think it’s so weird, but I love ketchup on everything.
Anything you’d like to say to your fans?
My message to fans is to encourage them to stay true to themselves because living someone else’s life is always more exhausting in the end.
So, you think you’re a whiz on WizTheMc? Make sure to stay updated with him on Instagram, or check out his new releases on Spotify!