There is a special kind of commitment that comes with picking up a book and becoming entranced by the world the author has laid out on the pages. Our ever expanding virtual society of constant media bombardment can lead to an overload of information; however, the escape from it all can be found within the pages of a good book. These reads are recommended for when you decide to put aside your digital mundanities and pick up some pages in search of pensive solitude.
1. Silence In the Age of Noise by Erling Kagge

This 160 page read by Erling Kagge, a Norwegian explorer who trekked the South Pole alone, will ignite metacognitive thinking about your daily life. Silence in the Age of Noise spotlights the ability to find stillness amid our everyday lives as an elusive notion. Our new technological age of constant noise and notifications has resulted in a world absent of silence. Kagge causes the reader to question our discomfort when we lack stimulation and the stigma against quietude. This book is essential in the search for mental equilibrium and introspection. The final message of this book: “You can find perfect stillness if you know where to look.”
2. All About Love: New Visions by Bell Hooks
Bell Hooks, a renowned feminist and scholar, delivers a powerful and sincere message in 13 chapters—as a society, it’s vital we return to love. All About Love: New Visions is a call to abandon the innate cynicism that has attached itself to our generation, causing us to disregard the importance of love in its genuine form. Although in our society we are bombarded by love in pop culture and media, it has evolved to be a taboo-like subject. Bell highlights how it’s easier to talk about love’s absence than the powerful and positive aspects of its presence, she challenges readers to think of love as a verb rather than a noun.
3. Little Weirds by Jenny Slate
Jenny Slate is an esteemed actress and writer that is best known for her comedic performances. This essay memoir is a direct reflection of Slate’s most imaginative thoughts. Little Weirds has been described as vivid, cinematic, and full of strange possibilities. The reader discovers Slate’s unexpected creative vision that she effortlessly encapsulated within her memoir. Her earnest energy is contagious making it impossible to put this read down once you start.
4. In Exile: Words of a Joyful Misfit by Charles Hillman

Charles Hillman is a young writer that has recently debuted as a self-proclaimed non-traditional author. He proudly states that he seeks to write the antithesis of traditional literature. His new book brings to light inspirational quotes from significant artists, creatives, and poems he’s written. His poems speak directly to readers and urge them to think differently and act against the norms we’ve been conditioned to conform to. Charles’ writing evokes a sense of rebellion and encouragement to follow your own voice and heart.
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