5 Products TikTok Probably Made You Buy

If you are in your teens or early twenties you are probably familiar with TikTok, and also likely have spent numerous hours scrolling through a plethora of entertaining videos on said application. One thing that makes TikTok different from other applications is the ease with which a video can go viral. Videos that anyone in the world posts have the chance to show up on the For You page, allowing users to get their 15 minutes of fame. While most videos are people trying to go viral through popular dances or comedic skits, there are also many videos suggesting products to try. Every day I am bombarded by videos giving me ideas on what to buy. For these reasons, SHEESH! counted down the 5 most recommended products by the users of Tiktok.

1) Room Lights

products tiktok made you buy

For some unknown reason, everyone who is “TikTok famous” has at least some form of LED lights encompassing their rooms. The most common type of LED lights I have seen are the LED Strip Lights.

Also, other TikTokers have more advanced lights than the basic LED strip lights. There are numerous videos of lighting devices that make it look as if a whole galaxy is on the ceiling. Madison Beer showed off this SkyLite Projector in a TikTok filmed by David Dobrik. 

2) White Clothing to Tie Dye

I purchased a white sweatshirt and a pair of white sweatpants to tie-dye while I am in quarantine. The tie-dye that I have seen everyone using is the Rit Tie Dye.

The photo pictured above is from the Esty shop VivaceCollections. Even though DIYing it is an option, sometimes it is easier to purchase the look than to make it yourself. This Etsy shop, along with many others, makes cute sets that are in trend right now.

3) Tanning Products

products tiktok made you buy

As summer approaches many girls are promoting different ways they have been able to get tan. One product I have seen promoted a multitude of times is the Loving Tan 2 Hour Express Mousse. I have seen this product on TikTok as well as promoted at the end of one of Olivia Jade’s College Vlogs, when she used to attend USC. Thus, from all this amazing press coverage I can assume it’s a great product.

In addition, a new tanning product I have been seeing all over my For You page is the Isle of Paradise Tanning Drops. As shown in many TikTok videos, you just mix the drops with your daily moisturizer and you notice results almost instantly.

4) Henna for Freckles

Along with everyone making their skin darker for the summer months. I have seen many girls use henna to make fake freckles on their faces with some pretty awesome results. There is a brand that makes henna specifically for making fake freckles: The Henna Freckle Kit.

However, many people appear to be using regular henna in a brown or black shade to get the same freckled face.

5) Face Masks

products tiktok made you buy

The rise in the number of facemasks that is evident on this application might just be in direct correlation to the fact that the entire population is remaining home in quarantine. One of the most common facemasks I have seen is the Bubbling Charcoal Mask that makes your face resemble a storm cloud. Other than the mask looking amazing, it also has benefits for your skin. Charcoal is known to remove dirt from skin pores for a complete cleaning of the skin.

TikTok might just be taking over the world, not only with viral videos but with great product recommendations.

All products featured on Sheesh Magazine are independently selected by our editors, and genuinely reflect the popularity of products on TikTok. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.