Twizei on Art, Ambition, and Hanging Out With Pharell


“I envision a world where everyone has great style.”

Twizei is guided by good energy, imagination, and ambition. The artful model and stylist brings a refreshing attitude to the industry in Houston and beyond. Born with creativity and backed by destiny, the twenty-two year old let fashion rule his life and hasn’t looked back since.

When he was three years old, Twizei’s family moved from Maryland to Lagos. He looks back on the sixteen years spent living in Nigeria with appreciation and credits this environment with fostering his resilience. 

“If I were to describe my experience back home in Lagos, it would be a never ending story. However, it really taught me the power of hustle. Even when I’m going through shit, it gave me thick skin in such a chaotic world.”

In 2016, Twizei entered an entirely new chaotic world: college. At the University of Houston, he studied business and psychology, expanded his network, and most importantly, had a lot of fun. Between DJing and short filmmaking, he picked up a styling internship in New York City (the most chaotic realm of all) and inadvertently kickstarted his modeling career. While working in these fields and prioritizing art and expression, Twizei saw the stars align and illuminate the path before him, a path conducive to continuous evolution and innovation.

“On a daily basis I wake up and thank the lord for another day. I have this mantra ‘every single day matters’, so I make sure I’m making every day count and I’m working on being a better version of myself.”

How does Twizei define the best version of himself? Not by the followers he has, not by the clothing he wears, and not by pretending to be someone he’s not. Despite his involvement in industries with a materialist streak, Twizei’s ultimate goals are strictly spiritual. He measures success with uncommon criteria: inner peace, freedom, and fearlessness. Twizei is inspired by life itself and employs his unique creative lens every second of the day.

To conclude our inside look into Twizei’s world, we present three final questions.

Q: From working in these industries, is there any particular story that you feel was really crucial, funny, bizarre, or otherwise important to tell? 

TWIZEI: There’s been A LOT of memories, but one I definitely remember was when Rema and I were in Miami where we had made great friends with Pharrell. It was a crazy moment because I really admire Pharrell and his impact in the industry, so being able to connect with him and see how humble he is has given me more respect for him and his work. I’ve been practicing humbleness ever since.

Q: What is something most of your followers don’t know about you?

TWIZEI: There’s so much my followers don’t know about me, I don’t show or say much on social media, but I make sure anything I send out, they kind of have a sense and feel for me. One thing that I’ll like to address today is this false narrative that I’m from a very privileged background. I just laugh anytime I see or hear people saying that. I’m a HUSTLER. I have that injected in my veins.

Q: Any final message for the awesome people reading?

TWIZEI: Never give up on the greatness for which you were created for, never try to hide your uniqueness, and never for once believe that your dreams are unattainable. Realize your hunger for adventure is God-given; wanting to try something new is a wonderful desire. DO WHAT YOU WANNA DO AND BE WHO YOU WANNA BE.

Keep up with all things Twizei on Instagram.