Based in Los Angeles, Heather Briganti is a 23-year-old fashion designer better known as Yung Reaper. Heather makes customized clothing for every occasion and designs for the party girl in all of us. Focusing mostly on special occasions and costume events, Briganti makes every client feel as comfortable and confident as possible with her one-of-a-kind designs. Working with A-listers like Ariana Grande, Kylie Jenner, Chantel Jeffries, Sydney Carlson and more, Heather has grown from a one woman operation to CEO of a full-blown fashion line. Briganti even collaborated on a collection with Dolls Kill earlier this year, making an iconic Y2K collection that sold out rapidly. SHEESH! had the privilege of talking with Heather about her design process, her manifestations, and her upcoming work.
Q: How did you get your start in design and how long have you been doing it?
YUNG REAPER: I had originally thought that I was going to be a model or an actress, that was always my goal. When I was 8-years-old I looked up to Paris Hilton so much, and really loved reality TV and pop culture. I always thought that that lifestyle was so cool, so as an 8-year-old girl I wanted to look like them and dress like them, but they don’t really make clothes like that for 8-year-olds. I went shopping with my mom one summer and looked around and just decided that none of that stuff was hot and Paris Hilton would never wear it, so my mom said, “I guess you’ll have to make your own clothes then.” I started going to sewing classes and learning, and making little looks and costumes when I was young, and did that for a few years. Jumping ahead, I kind of gave up when I got to middle school and high school because kids were just so mean about it, which I really wish I never did now because I could only imagine how much further ahead I would be if I just stuck with it. Then after highschool, when I was in community college, I was sick for a long time, so I was just focusing on getting better and making it through school. Then one day towards the end of the semester one of my favorite designers Christian Cowan posted that he was going to be in Los Angeles and needed someone to help him sew. I direct messaged him that I could help, and he asked for some of my work— which I never sent him because hello! I didn’t have any work— so I just emailed him a list of things I could do, literally things like telling him jokes and driving around. He hired me and I got the chance to work with him for awhile after that! He really was a huge part in my fashion journey because I really found my passion for it again. After that I took a business class at my local community college and then my dad gave me 30 days to have a solid business plan and my first designs, so I cried everyday from stress that month, but that’s how I made Yung Reaper!
Q: Your designs are no doubt amazing, but who/ what are your inspirations for the clothing you make?
YUNG REAPER: Definitely Y2K is my favorite trend currently. I really think we’re currently evolving and making it hotter, which is something that I love about our generation. Being able to take time periods or fashion trends but flipping them into what is fashion forward today. Other than that, pop culture really is my biggest influence on what I make. I love playmates, 90s fashion, 60s fashion, everything hot and influenced by Paris Hilton. I think my inspiration really comes from everywhere, anything I see or do. Meditating has also really helped me, and some of my best ideas have come during that state of mind. My brand is just all about hot, confident women who simply don’t give a fuck.

Q: How do you stay up-to-date regarding the latest fashion trends?
YUNG REAPER: I feel like in this day and age it’s really easy because of social media. Today fashion brands really tell people what to wear, whoever is owning all of these companies are the ones setting the trends so I just make whatever I want. Then I try and market it correctly and hope people love it and buy it. I think keeping up with trends and predicting trends is something that has always been fairly easy for me, probably because of all of the reality television.

Q: Can you give us the rundown of your typical day-to-day?
YUNG REAPER: Yes, so my typical day is a little off right now because I’m in the process of moving, but I wake up around 8 o’clock and then check my phone and stare at my dog. I typically don’t answer messages or direct messages until night because sometimes it can be a draining way to start my morning off. I’ll do my morning routine which consists of washing my hair and face then changing into different pajamas, which are always Skims because they’re just so incredible. I always drink cold brew in the morning and check my to-do list for the day. Typically I’ll check in with my seamstress and air brush guy to see how everything is going, then I just sew and package all day. Then I’ll have lunch around 1pm and take my afternoon nap, after that I just sew, package, design, and ship until about 11:30pm. Unless it’s The Bachelor or The Real Housewives night, then I always need to take a break to watch those, but my days are just designing, sewing, and putting out positive energy!
Q: You offer costumes for all of your clientele, could you tell us a little more about that process and what the client and yourself go through?
YUNG REAPER: The client will come to me and tell me what the event is, whether it’s a birthday, Halloween, or special event– then I start with some questions. I always make sure the clients know how excited and grateful I am to be working on a little something for them. Then I’ll typically ask for a date they need it by, and some ideas for what they have in mind. Some girls know exactly what they want and some have absolutely no clue, so it’s really collaborative to figure out exactly what they are comfortable wearing. Once the game plan is finally made I’ll give them pricing piece by piece, then we get started! Processing time is typically around four weeks because it is custom so we need to source materials for it. When it’s done I’ll send them photos and make sure they love it, and if they dont we make whatever changes are needed for it to be exactly what they had envisioned. Then I ship their order out and hopefully everyones happy!

Q: What is the best piece of fashion or business advice you have heard, and do you follow it?
YUNG REAPER: This is a tough one! I think the best piece of advice I’ve heard for the fashion industry is just to go with your gut no matter what, and really stay true to yourself. People can tell when you’re trying to be someone else, so just stay true to who you are and how you wanna dress and people will love your brand. That’s something that’s very important to me, which is staying close to who I am and what I wanna create with my art. For business, something my dad always used to tell me was “don’t be a commodity.” He always advised that I don’t create something that’s a one time use, or something that makes a whole bunch of money at first and then is thrown away and never makes sales again. You want to create something that is ever-changing, and something that people will want to consistently come back for more of. I think that’s the most important thing for business, and I’m only 23 so I really still am learning for myself in both sectors but that’s something I always try to remember. Just a sort of a life and business tip which I am trying to get better at is to not let people talk down to you. Seriously, be firm and be kind but do not ever let anyone talk to you like you are stupid or you do not know any better. It’s very degrading, and I genuinely think the best piece of advice I could give is to always be the nicest and most hardworking person in the room, no one can beat that and no one can ever degrade you for that.
Q: What is one change you would like to see made in the fashion industry?
YUNG REAPER: I feel like the fashion industry is really growing right now and more diversity is happening which is such a beautiful thing. It used to be so cookie cutter, you only saw one thing and while there’s still a long way to go I feel like we are making big leaps forward. I want to continue to see people be more accepting of each other, that can really go for life as well. I want people no matter the gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity to see everyone on an equal playing field. I think that would open doors in every single industry and be really beneficial to society and humanity as a whole. The fashion industry has become so much better about being inclusive, so I’m really grateful to be a part of this industry. I think the more that humanity can be accepting of everyone, the better it will get for the world as a whole.
Q: Where do you see your brand and yourself in the next 5 to 10 years?
YUNG REAPER: My biggest goal is to be on Forbes 30 under 30. I think for me that would be the most amazing thing to be a part of. Once the world goes back to normal, I definitely want to hold shows during New York Fashion Week. I would also love to wholesale on different websites like Nordstrom or really any online platform. My other biggest goal for these upcoming years is to have a storefront on Fairfax or Melrose in Los Angeles. I would make it the coolest store front and then I want a 24 hour custom department where someone is always working, so these hot girls can get their party outfits anytime they need. I really just want to continue growing and working hard and have everyone be wearing Yung Reaper style. I basically want to be exactly who I am now but times a billion and with a bigger office.
Keep up with Heather Briganti and her fashion journey on Instagram. Shop Young Reaper online here.