Today YouTube is known for a lot more than just funny cat compilations. Whether you’re keeping up with daily vlogs or drama in the beauty community, the platform certainly has something to offer everyone. While viewers enjoy the benefit of unlimited content, creators have the unique ability to self-start their own career in the entertainment industry. Courtney Adanna, who is known to her 1.5 million subscribers as Courtreezy, is well acquainted with the opportunities that the online world holds, and even dropped out of nursing school in August after surpassing the major milestone of 500,000 subscribers. Since then, she’s accumulated a million additional fans, launched a vlog channel, and put out merch— all while managing to make us laugh every week with her hilarious reactions to absurd TV shows, cringey TikTokers, and so much more.
Even though Courtney’s channel has experienced unbelievable growth recently (see her video about gaining 300,000 subscribers in just one month), her success did not sprout overnight. In fact, Courtney’s efforts toward internet entrepreneurship and the pursuit of her true passions began back in 2016 when she posted her first video. Throughout this almost five year journey, she’s learned a lot from life’s ups and downs and kindly spoke to Sheesh Magazine about the importance of being yourself, the key to overcoming doubt, and moments that make it all worth it.

It’s been a couple of months since you hit one million subscribers, has that milestone set in yet?
COURTREEZY: I think it is finally hitting me many months later. Of course, I was happy when I hit one million subscribers, but it wasn’t until I went out and bumped into a subscriber at my local drugstore that I fully realized there are over a million people out there in the world who watch and subscribe to my channel. It’s still so crazy to me.
Before your channel blew up, what were your professional goals?
COURTREEZY: I was planning on going to medical school. I truly did not have a passion or interest in medicine and did not want to waste money and time doing something that did not excite me. With no idea on what to do next, I decided to go into nursing school and enter a one year program. I was accepted into the school one month before my channel blew up. But by the time school started in August, I had 500,000 subscribers and decided to drop out of the program. YouTube success was something I had always dreamed of and when I finally had it, I decided I was going to put my all into it.
Can you tell us a bit about how YouTube allows you to express yourself authentically?
COURTREEZY: YouTube allows me to express myself because most people from my personal life did not know about it when I first started. Truthfully, I can be a bit shy and reserved when I’m around people that I am not comfortable with. When I started my channel, I was definitely nervous, but when I would add small pieces of my personality to my videos, I did not feel judged. I felt more accepted and appreciated than anything. Little by little, I just started getting more comfortable and free. It was refreshing to be able to show my real personality to people other than my close family or friends. Though I can’t see my subscribers, I feel like we’re friends and it feels good to know I will always be accepted.

You’ve mentioned in videos that at times you thought about quitting YouTube. What made you feel that way?
COURTREEZY: A few times I felt like I wanted to quit YouTube, mostly because of the people around me. I was constantly being told to focus on stuff that would be good for my future, like getting good grades, volunteering, and internships. It was also very hard to be consistent with YouTube while in school. Typically I would post a lot during summer and winter break and be rewarded with a bigger following and more consistent engagement. But once school started, I would not have as much time to post and engage with my subscribers, which would result in the loss of all my recent growth. It was a frustrating battle between deciding if I should focus on getting amazing grades and making others happy, or doing what I really enjoyed and making myself happy.
What effect do you hope your channel has on others?
COURTREEZY: I want my channel to be a safe and happy place for my subscribers. There’s been many times where I’ve been generally sad and anxious about life and all I had to do was put on my favorite YouTuber to forget all about it. I want to be that person for my subscribers. I also want to empower my subscribers to be themselves and focus on their happiness. I struggled with that for so long and want to be a consistent reminder to them that the best version of yourself is when you are being YOURSELF.
If you had to collab with one of the TikTokers featured in your reaction videos, who would you choose?
COURTREEZY: I would collab with Jordy Bouletviau! I’ve featured him in all of my TikTok POV videos and joke about his content a lot, but I will say that he is actually a pretty good actor! I have no idea what our collab would look like, but all I know is I’d probably be the one to make it cringey.
Do you want to tell us a bit about your new vlog channel?
COURTREEZY: Yes! My vlog channel, COURTREEZY 2.0, was created so people can see my everyday life and get to know me on a more personal level. Though I am typically a hyper and happy person on my main channel, that’s not me everyday. I want my vlog channel to be more of an inside scoop on my life and allow my subscribers to build a stronger connection with me. I hopefully will be posting many more vlogs this year!
You have been extra killing the outfit game recently, and your new merch is no exception! What’s your go-to outfit with the new Courtreezy merch?
COURTREEZY: Thank you so much! I like to keep it simple with some white vans and black skinny jeans.

Where do you see yourself in the next few years?
COURTREEZY: In the future, I see myself with my own podcast, dipping my toes in other parts of the entertainment industry, and enjoying the life I’ve built for myself!
Any last words for all your Reezies out there?
COURTREEZY: I would like to say thank you. Thank you so much for supporting me and continuously showing me love. I did have fear that I was going to have one viral video and be done for but the Reezies have been showing out! I am forever grateful to every single person that has hit the subscribe button and I really do love every single one of you.
For more from Courtney, subscribe to her YouTube and follow her on Instagram.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.