Jadyn Hailey is the Strawberry Shortcake meets sophisticated schoolgirl content creator of our dreams. With perfect finesse and clean lines, Jadyn has cultivated an iconic personal style that pulls together color, youth, and sexiness — making us feel like she walked out of a PG-13 Polly Pocket mansion (and can I literally move there with her?). With over fourty thousand Instagram pals and fifty thousand TikTok followers, Jadyn has garnered a large following of “fairies” — the adorably endearing term she uses to describe her followers, her style, and herself. And the name is so fitting because fairies are just as magical and ethereal as they are sweet and precious. And that’s just who Jadyn Hailey is.
Who else is Jadyn Hailey? Well, she’s an 18-year-old from southern California who has a knack for fashion, branding, and even baking. She exudes light and positivity, and is guaranteed to brighten up your feed with every post. As always, there’s so much more to Jadyn than meets the aesthetically pleasing eye, and SHEESH! is so psyched to give you a glimpse.

Your style is so consistently creative and unapologetically you. How did you develop your personal sense of style? Before that, did you ever find yourself feeling the need to dress for others, rather than for yourself?
JADYN HAILEY: Honestly, from the time I was younger to now, I’ve never had the ‘dress to impress’ mindset. Since I was a lil fairy gal, I have always had the loveliest time playing dress up and crafting. I developed those interests young, and they truly have shaped who I am today. I adore being creative by styling outfits, along with brainstorming pieces I would love to soon design and create. Fashion definitely started to have a more pronounced role in my life around Junior year; until my later high school years, I hadn’t yet reached full confidence to wear the pieces I adored. But once I became more confident with myself and my personal style interests, I began wearing pieces I loved which eventually built my relationship with fashion.

How has social media affected your life today? Do you see it as a force of good, of evil, or somewhere in between?
JADYN HAILEY: Social media has affected my life in such a positive way. I’m beyond fortunate to have the sweetest following who make social media so unbelievably fun for me. I feel I bring a positive energy to my page, because I try to promote myself as realistically as possible. I vividly remember the feeling, before I gained a following, of wanting to live the glamorous life that every ‘influencer’ displayed on their Instagram. Now, being a content creator, I see that everything isn’t as ‘glamorous’ as I thought. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore the life I so fortunately get to live. But after being in the shoes of both an audience and content creator, I now understand both sides of social media. That being said, I do my best to post the best content I capture throughout my life, as well as realistic moments.
You are literally the queen of aesthetics, and your content is so soothingly satisfying and color-coordinated. What is the secret behind curating such an aesthetic feed?
JADYN HAILEY: If I’m going to be honest, saturation is your best friend. I love to mess around with the warmth, contrast and sharpness on VSCO and use the saturation and highlights adjustments on Instagram. Although editing saturation plays a huge role in creating a very bright and colorful feed, location plays an even bigger role. I love to go location scouting with my mom for cute spots that would display a perfect background. My favorites are any downtown areas or beach cities.

Quick! What places are on your travel bucket list?
JADYN HAILEY: The list never ends, although I do have some top locations I would love to visit in the next year or so. Lately, I have been saving many pictures to my traveling board on Pinterest, some of my favorites including Europe, Turks and Caicos, St Barts, Japan and The Bahamas!
Walk us through the average day of Jadyn Hailey! If we swapped lives for a day, what would my schedule look like?
JADYN HAILEY: An average day in my life would consist of waking up around 6:00 a.m. — I love a full day, so why not start early? I then dedicate an hour to working out, to keep my body feeling healthy and active. Week days, especially Mondays, are when the emails roll in and business meetings are scheduled. The best part of my job as a content creator is the ability to work any time throughout the day. Other than scheduled business meetings, I have no set hours of work, which allows me to have a flexible schedule and do work at any time of the day.

In three words, how would you describe your style?
JADYN HAILEY: Colorful, fairy, & sexy!
While pursuing your passions, what motivates you?
JADYN HAILEY: What motivates me the most is to make myself proud. I really strive to achieve my goals and to live the life I aspire to have. My ideal reality is what motivates me to work my hardest, along with using the law of attraction!

What career path do you see for yourself, and how does content creation fit into that dream?
JADYN HAILEY: I am planning to create my own line that carries clothings and various products in the future. With building my platform now, I’m allowing my followers to know me as a person and my interests, in hopes they would be interested in supporting my brand. There is so much I’d love to experience that I’d like to share with my followers as well. I’m beyond excited for what the future holds.
(TW: ED) Going forward, what do you hope to contribute to the world while using your platform?
JADYN HAILEY: I would love to help others by speaking about anorexia and how I recovered, in hopes that it can help comfort and encourage others to recover.
I live for your baking content. What food or recipe are you addicted to right now?
JADYN HAILEY: Thank you for appreciating the baking & cooking content! Aside from fashion, I adore baking. Lately, a meal I’ve been making very often is a buffalo vegan-chicken salad — my absolute favorite. I love baking cakes as well, and matcha cakes have been my favorite, I guarantee you’ll love it.
For more Jadyn Hailey, visit her Instagram and YouTube, and shop her looks at Motom.