“So chill and not toxic.”
“You’ve seriously changed the way I view food!”
These are just a few of the many positive comments you’ll read while scrolling through Katelynn Nolan’s TikTok account. The 21-year old debuted on the app in February of this year, when she uploaded a workout tutorial which immediately became a hit amongst TikTok users. Now, Kate consistently uploads 2-3 times a day to an eagerly waiting audience of 101.4K followers. Her content is dedicated to promoting what it looks like to have a healthy relationship with food and your body.
In a community plagued with negative mindsets towards health, Katelynn Nolan reaches new limits by posting realistic body goals and honest, unfiltered content. “I post about having a positive mindset around health to hopefully speak to at least one person who is struggling the way I did before my lifestyle changes.” In the past, Kate followed intense diets and set unrealistic goals for her body, which to no surprise failed. However, she recently learned how misleading diet culture truly is, and instead began listening to what her body needed, which followed up with great results.
The TikTok ‘for you page’ frequently shows videos that promote low calorie recipes and easy “skinny hacks” which are misleading ways to properly educate TikTok’s young and impressionable audience about health. Kate is constantly telling her followers, “it’s important for people to know that every single body is different and there is no magic code or diet that works for everyone.” She devotes her time to shining a positive light within the health community, as it can oftentimes be very negative. “My entire message is to pull my viewers away from diet culture habits and toxic health/fitness social media platforms.”
Following Kate means your feed is constantly peppered with daily encouragement to, “focus on how you feel, and the physical results will follow.” When it comes to losing weight, it is extremely inefficient to stress about counting each calorie. Instead, Kate’s message is to be active, fall in love with healthy foods and eat at least three full meals a day with snacks in between. These are not the types of messages you often hear from toxic diet culture. In fact, they tell you the complete opposite, and create a bad stigma around certain foods, especially carbohydrates. Kate loves carbs. You can see her frequently cooking with oats, bread, rice and pasta on her TikTok or food dedicated Instagram.
Kate teamed up with SHEESH! to share an energizing and nourishing breakfast recipe with our readers. Say goodbye to unhealthy pop tarts and sad bowls of cereal – this recipe is a treat!
“This recipe is perfect for my healthy yet BUSY queens!”
Peanut Butter & Jelly Oatmeal
What you’ll need:
1/2 cup of gluten free rolled oats
1/2 cup of water or unsweetened coconut milk
1/4 cup frozen mixed berries (frozen makes a major difference, trust me!)
Two tbsp of creamy unsalted almond or peanut butter (preferably non-processed/organic)
A dash of cinnamon
1 tbsp of unsweetened shredded coconut
A splash of vanilla unsweetened almond milk
1. Mix together the oats and water, then place in the microwave for 90 seconds, or until thick/desired texture!
2. Let the oats cool for 3-5 minutes.
3. Add your toppings: frozen berries, nut butter, cinnamon, coconut, vanilla & a splash of almond milk.
4. Take a picture of your beautiful creation.
5. Stir together and enjoy!
Her rocking body, recipe ideas and tips for a healthy lifestyle have most certainly caught the eyes and hearts of her followers. And with her recently launched YouTube channel you can now watch Kate in action as she vlogs her meals, workouts and uplifting messages for her subscribers.

Katelynn Nolan will continue to share positive encouragement on her various social media platforms by advocating a realistic and achievable mindset when it comes to personal health and body goals. After all, working out and eating full, enjoyable meals is a personal journey every one of us can relate to.
“My best advice for someone looking to find their healthiest and happiest self is to turn away from their screen and turn in to focusing on their own person.”
Keep up with Katelynn Nolan on Instagram and Youtube.
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