Artist Harriette Hull Talks TikTok, Breakups, and “At Least I’m Pretty”

Harriette hull music

Harriette Hull’s debut single “at least i’m pretty” started as nothing more than a blurb on TikTok. Overnight, TikTok did its job and Harriette’s video went viral with users flooding the comments asking about where they could hear the full song. Harriette’s single takes musical inspiration from artists like Clairo and Phoebe Bridgers, with soft chords and meaningful lyrics. Blessing our ears with her storytelling abilities, “at least i’m pretty” is the story of a young girl’s breakup and her family members trying to find ways to console her. 

Sheesh Magazine had the honor of sitting down with Harriette Hull to talk about her first single and her viral music journey. 

How did you get started in music?

HARRIETTE HULL: I grew up writing songs and idolizing people like Hilary Duff and Taylor Swift. I always wanted to be a rockstar so I learned to play guitar in order to perform in my school’s talent show. That’s how I started performing, but I ended up going to Parsons for art because I just wanted to be in the arts community in any way. During that whole time I continued writing songs just for fun and kept practicing. After COVID happened, I went back home to Texas and ended up posting a small clip of this song on TikTok and it blew up, so the rest is history. 

Can you tell us a little bit about the process of creating your first single, “at least i’m pretty”?

HARRIETTE HULL: After posting that TikTok of a song that wasn’t even finished I was getting comments every single day from users asking how they could hear the full version or what streaming platforms it was on. That really pushed me to make the entire song and produce it in my living room with my roommates. The process ended up taking like five months and I had a lot of angry TikTok fans. I basically just told everyone “look, I have no money and no connections so I’m just going to make it with my friends and throw it out there.”

at least im pretty tiktok song
Animation: @willwurld

Where did the inspiration for this song come from?

HARRIETTE HULL: Basically, I was talking to this guy and it didn’t workout and I was in therapy for a little while before writing it, and I had a really great breakthrough session. We talked a lot about that guy and it was really healing, so I wrote this on the ride home from that appointment. My mom would always tell me that I was such a pretty girl or say “at least you’re pretty” to try and help me feel better, but it really always did the opposite. So it was sort of like, well thanks but I’m sad so being pretty doesn’t really help that. It’s really just about my hometown, that relationship, my mom, and therapy breakthroughs. 

What has your experience on TikTok been like so far?

HARRIETTE HULL: Chaos! It has been so crazy, I really am very scared of TikTok. It’s really intimidating. Overall, it has been a really good experience because everyone is so fucking nice and the support is incredible. The song wouldn’t even exist without my TikTok followers so I am incredibly grateful. 

Why choose TikTok as your main marketing strategy?

HARRIETTE HULL: It’s just so much fun, although I do use it for professional purposes it is so much more relaxed than something like Instagram. I think it is hands down the most interactive social media space for content creators. The comment section is always hilarious and seeing people be able to duet and stitch my videos is a really great way to connect with supporters. The way that trends start and then everyone around the world is doing this one dance or trend is really incredible to see. 

Harriette hull artist

Who are some of your musical inspirations?

HARRIETTE HULL: I say a different person every time I swear, definitely Taylor Swift, Clairo, and Phoebe Bridgers. They’re my idols and I love the way they have stories within their music. I grew up with The Dixie Chicks, Johnny Cash, and Elvis so I have some country soul in my sound as well from always hearing them growing up. 

Do you have a number one goal for your music career?

HARRIETTE HULL: Not even a little bit, I feel like none of this is even real. I didn’t think anyone would care, I just shared something I wrote on TikTok. Having people consistently ask for more music is mind boggling to me. Because it is all happening online it doesn’t even feel like a reality yet, so my main goal is to pay my bills. I want to be able to pay my electricity bills and live life. 

What’s next? Please tell me we get an album!

HARRIETTE HULL: I do have a new song that I also posted a clip of on TikTok called “Goodbye Texas” that will be coming out and then you may be getting an EP in the Fall. Stay tuned for that!

Keep up with Harriette Hull and her musical journey on TikTok and Instagram, and make sure to give her music a listen on all streaming platforms!