Nice to Meet You, Cassidy Condie

Cassidy Condie interview

Cassidy Condie? The 23-year-old TikTok creator with smooth dance moves and a clean three million followers to go along with it? Yeah, you’ve probably heard of her. But today, you get to meet her. With an outstretched hand ready to give a good shake, SHEESH! is honored to help you get acquainted with Cassidy Condie: the tattoo artist, the confidence queen, the girl who almost had to give up social media forever, and so much more.

“Oh my gosh, that’s a hard one,” Cassidy said, taking a second to consider the question. I asked her to imagine that she was staring dramatically into a video camera on air with all of her followers and fans, like the climactic scene in a feel-good movie. But instead of confessing her feelings to the obvious love interest or revealing a secret over the loudspeaker, our beloved protagonist was to answer the question, “Who is Cassidy Condie?”

She thought for a moment before saying, “Cassidy Condie is a very confident, funny, tall, successful-in-her-own-way, friendly, accepting, and loving person.” Right before I was prepared to jump in, gushing about how much I loved the adjectives she embraced, Cassidy added an important caveat to her response. 

“But I guess I would say that not everything is perfect online,” she shared. “Just know that Cassidy Condie is your normal, average girl dealing with everything from anxiety to body insecurity to cancer at 16.”

We know Cassidy as an incredible dancer with contagious energy, the best sense of humor and a hoodie obsession like none other. But what she thoughtfully reminds us all is that there is more to her, and to everyone, than social media reveals. Dive in with SHEESH! as we learn more about Cassidy Condie: her secret passions, untold stories, and unwavering optimism.

Cassidy Condie interview

She almost had to choose between dance and social media

At the age of five, Cassidy was already dancing in her hometown studio. But foreshadowing her viral social media presence, she actually ended up teaching herself to dance mostly from YouTube videos. From there, she was an unstoppable force, from her high school drill team, to joining the hip hop crew with Millennium Dance Complex, to the University of Utah Dance Team, to the Utah Jazz Dance Team.

For Cassidy, being an NBA dancer came with wonderful positives: kind, amazing friends, dancing for huge crowds, and fulfilled dreams. But it also came with unexpected downfalls: body shaming, toxic culture, and a coach who just wasn’t on her team.

“I think she was annoyed that I wasn’t the standard of Utah,” Cassidy said. “Everyone on my team was either married or engaged or had a boyfriend, and I was the only girl on my team that didn’t have any of that.” At the time, Cassidy had a small but notable social media following; She hadn’t joined TikTok quite yet, but she did have about fifteen thousand Instagram followers, acting as a source of income for her. 

Cassidy Condie

“My coach told me right at the end of the year, ‘Hey, if you want to try this team again, you have to delete all your social media,” Cassidy said as both of us froze. “Yeah.” But she ultimately knew what she wanted to do, so she didn’t return the following year. “I don’t want someone to tell me how to be when I’m just being myself,” Cassidy said. 

What she didn’t know then was that she wasn’t just holding on to her autonomy—she was leaving room for her career. The TikTok community brought Cassidy support like she had never felt before, support that inspires her to work towards creating a better culture in dance.

Cassidy Condie TikTok

She found support in the TikTok community

“I remember everyone was saying, ‘TikTok is so stupid. Don’t download it. Blah, blah, blah.’ And I was like, ‘Heck, yeah. this is stupid.’ But…I need it,” she laughed. 

Cassidy got on TikTok the exact same way as the rest of us: by not telling a single soul for fear of being roasted in the February 2020 era when the app was a different ball game. But slowly, as we all gave in, she understood just how awesome TikTok was. “I posted a dance video, and the TikTok community was very encouraging. And I was like, ‘Oh, this is me doing my thing, and they’re supporting me.’”

The biggest turning point of all? Her viral choreography to Megan Thee Stallion and Beyoncé’s “Savage.” Garnering over 20 million views and a million follows overnight, her choreo became one of the biggest TikTok trends of 2020. 

“Because COVID happened, all the NBA dance teams weren’t dancing anymore,” Cassidy said. “So if I had tried out, I would have lost my social media and never would have been where I am today. I’m glad that I took the leap of faith and believed in myself.”

Now, with three million followers, a contract with Fenty Savage, a cohort of creative besties and fans across the world, Cassidy was able to combine her passions of social media and dance, rather than having them at odds with each other.

Cassidy Condie tattoo artist

She’s a tattoo artist with an inspiring motivation

For the past three and a half years, this sneaky queen has been working as a tattoo artist, specializing in permanent cosmetics. While her followers knew she was a talented creative, this artistic side wasn’t one she revealed to us, as well as the inspiring story behind it.

“My aunt had cancer previously and lost a ton of her hair, and her eyebrows never grew back,” Cassidy shared. “I would draw them in for her once in a while, and then I suggested she get microblading.” But her aunt insisted that she only trusted Cassidy with her brows, so she decided to take a class and get certified. During that time, her mom had also just been diagnosed with cancer, so Cassidy was able to give both her aunt and her mom tattooed brows. Now, Cassidy offers free tattoo services for any cancer patients. 

“I love social media influencing, but I do find my peace by making people happy,” Cassidy told SHEESH! “It brings me so much joy to give something so small to others that I take for granted every day, when you don’t realize the importance of hair on your face.” 

It’s beyond clear to anyone who chats with Cassidy about this passion of hers that she approaches it with the utmost gratitude, modesty, and understanding. She herself was faced with Thyroid cancer at 16 years old, so she knows a little something about what it means to overcome this battle, and takes any opportunity she can to help those who are still fighting. 

Whether she is dancing, tattooing, or telling jokes, she finds joy in making others feel good and happy.

Cassidy Condie

She wants you to grow up alongside her

There’s so much more to Cassidy Condie than a fifteen second video or fifteen hundred word feature could reveal. 

She gets anxious about money and about numbers and about feeling good enough, “which doesn’t make any sense,” she said, “because everyone is.” She’s a gemini who identifies with “being the center of attention in the most healthy way possible.” Um, I would like to announce that nothing has ever resonated with me more, like, ever? She likes cracking jokes and being loud and asking people to make funny videos with her. She’s the friend who will dress up as the boy version of Amanda Bynes in She’s the Man because “life’s too short not to.” She’s obsessed with The Cheesecake Factory and extensions and eating oreos with a fork.

Cassidy Condie is a beautiful trail mix of personality traits and we want to grab a handful. But she knows that she’s still evolving as a person, still changing and growing, and that she hopes her audience can grow with her.

When she comments on the future, she has exciting goals: to film travel vlogs, be in music videos, or even start a clothing line. But her biggest goal moving forward? “I hope that people that follow me grow up with me,” Cassidy shared. It looks like we’re just getting acquainted. 

For more, visit Cassidy’s Instagram, TikTok, and TikTok spam account.