Photography’s importance lies within its ability to capture a moment which will forever connect us to our past and allow us to remember the emotions we felt while a photo was taken. These three photographers have decided to use their creative skills to provide our generation with a new outlook on the beauty within a photograph and embracing our creative intuition. Sheesh Magazine has found a set of young women who will teach you all about what goes into creating their works of art.
1. Sofia Ziman; @sofziman

Models @madisonxwild & @jazmynmakenna
After having ran through all of the SD cards on the first point-and-shoot she received at the age of 7, Sofia Ziman knew that she had found her passion. Ziman never grew out of her photography phase and has been able to turn her oldest hobby into a career, still carrying around that very same point-and-shoot. Dive into the world of Sofia’s photography and find a place of intimacy and confidence.
Q: What is creative direction like for your business?
Collaboration as a key to her photography has allowed Ziman to incorporate parts of herself into her photography, while also tending to each brand’s direction. She has had the chance to work with several makeup artists and stylists but says “everyone I meet is amazing” and that she often styles shoots herself, pulling pieces from her and her friends personal wardrobes.
Knowing that each shoot’s process is different, Sofia emphasized how “every person I photograph inspires me in different ways” and usually decides how a shoot will go in the moment.
Q: Is your photography a result of any inspiration?
Deriving inspiration from old fashion magazines, catalogs, films and photobooks, has allowed Ziman’s photography to showcase the themes of street and contemporary photography, as well as the punk scene altogether. “Obviously, I love the classics like Helmut Newton and Nan Goldin, but two of my biggest influences over the past few years have been the works by Petra Collins and Sofia Coppola films. I love everything about the scenes they create. I don’t think my world would exist without theirs. Especially in my early days of shooting and styling, you can definitely see where I got my inspiration from.”
Q: Is your photography meant to exhibit a specific message?
Sofia’s photography lets all of its viewers experience the connection between a photographer and its subject, showcasing “the intimacy between the two.” She finds it important to not only capture the moment but create a safe space for the subject where they can express and find their beauty. The mediums and colors she plays with also incorporate a feeling of “playfulness and confidence.”
“I’m always looking to collaborate and make art with new people.”
To shoot with Sofia dm her on Instagram or email her on her website!
2. Flora Jensen; @thebabyyjane

Models @britaingradyy, @frankiebstark & @konokasmith
Starting at the young age of 12, Flora Jensen knew that she wanted to be a part of the photography industry and decided in April of 2022 to showcase her art to the world through her newly created social media account. Since then, she’s been able to shoot with several subjects and has displayed several parts of the fashion industry by capturing brand’s clothing and accessories. Although she’s currently based in New York City, catch Flora hopping back and forth between shooting the people of NYC and LA.
Q: What is creative direction like for your business?
When planning her shoots she comes up with her own, unique concepts for each one and stated that “creative direction is such a vital part of my work, without it I fear that the photos will stray from my niche.” Each of her shoots have a lot of thought behind them and account for lighting, wardrobe, props, models and location.
Flora expressed how her photography was individual to her as she tends “to go for a minimal and classic background and contrast that by having the model in a maximalist outfit doing fun poses.” She also put an emphasis on how lighting within her shots depends on the time of day and that her pictures focus on either warm or cool tones.
Q: Is your photography a result of any inspiration?
“A lot of my inspirations come from movies, photography books, and social media. I sometimes spend hours on Instagram or Pinterest finding inspirations for upcoming shoots.” Flora’s pictures emulate her love for the 60s, 70s and the color schemes found in the Wes Anderson movies. Her wardrobe choices also exhibit individuality within themselves as Flora herself pulls looks from her own and her friend’s closets.
Q: Is your photography meant to exhibit a specific message?
“My goal is to have photography make people feel empowered and beautiful. I want anyone that stumbles upon my account to feel a connection to the photos.” Having her Instagram as her own moodboard, Flora has created a safe space for all things beautiful and hopes others will find connection within her photography too.
Along with Konoka Smith and Ava Newman, Jensen also runs a Youtube channel and Instagram account, named cyb3rschool, which films videos about young adults “with a skill that we think needs to be broadcasted to the world. We showcase the talent within our generation.”
Follow @thebabyyjane on Instagram and email for more information on shoots!