When Covid-19 struck, New York was initially one of the hardest hit locations within the United States. Many of us outside the city nervously awaited footage documenting the chaos that endured within. In addition to videos from news sources, some New Yorkers vlogged from inside their apartments to show the rest of the world what it really looks like to live within the highest populated United States city during a global pandemic.
Lexie Lombard has unofficially been crowned the ‘Quarantine Queen’ by the internet. Since March, she has released 14 weekly vlogs on her Youtube channel which document her New York quarantine lifestyle in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.
Without reservation, Lexie utilizes her platform of almost half a million YouTube subscribers to broadcast the important message of keeping your distance, staying indoors and wearing a mask. These are the sacrifices she continuously makes not only for her own safety, but the safety of all New Yorkers.

As an optimist, Lexie tried to make the most of quarantine and shared footage of her most exciting times, like cooking elaborate meals over FaceTime with friends, going for runs in the quiet city streets with a mask on, and attending her Parsons graduation ceremony on Zoom. However, she’s not afraid to be authentic and does not fail to display the not so exciting times too, as she captures her mental breakdowns on camera to remind her viewers that it’s okay to not feel okay some days.
SHEESH! held a Q&A with Lexie and consulted her for helpful tips and practices to embed in our lives in order to make the most of quarantine.
SHEESH!: Do you have days when it’s difficult to vlog in quarantine? If so, how do you maintain creating content for your viewers?
Lexie Lombard: “Oh, absolutely. That’s a huge reason why I’ve opted to document my time by week rather than day. This vlogging structure allows me the flexibility (if needed) to take a day or two away from the camera, collect my thoughts, regroup, and say ‘hello’ again. Now, in the rare case, if I’m feeling off for the entire week, I’ll capture it for the vlog and allow that feeling to be the theme of the week’s video.”
SHEESH!: Have you discovered any new hobbies during quarantine?
Lexie Lombard: “Wow. Have I found some hobbies? Let me TELL YOU! I’m roller-skating, I’ve taken my writing habit to a new level, and I can cook! That’s by far the best new talent of the entire quarantine.”
SHEESH!: What tips do you have for those in quarantine to remain in good spirits, despite having bad days?
Lexie Lombard: “Journal! Journal! Journal! Write it out. FaceTime with a good friend – one you share a strong heart space with. These are emotional times. Having an outlet to express the surplus of emotional uprising is essential. Seriously, get a notebook. Doesn’t need to be fancy, I use a college ruled spiral notebook. When moments of stress take over – which they will – open the notebook and write it out.”
SHEESH!: Do you have new ideas or changes coming for your channel in its future?
Lexie Lombard: “More DIY’s! Before quarantine, I knew I was on the more creative side, but I didn’t realize how crafty I was. I’ve taken on a good bit of little projects. From small things like decorating my notebook, to larger projects like building a rack in my kitchen for my pots and pans. I’ve found I enjoy working with my hands.”
Although the streets of New York remain quiet, every evening at 7:00 pm the whole city becomes alive as they open up their windows and balcony doors to cheer for their health care workers. “Despite some of the media, New York takes the pandemic seriously.” Lexie and her fellow New Yorkers prioritize wearing masks and standing six feet apart, and with that, are seeing positive results as cases are beginning to lower. “New York will be fine. I am confident in that.”

Even after quarantine is over, Lexie reassures that she will continue to vlog. “It’s stress-free work and I’ve received great feedback from viewers.” She plans to further her platform by discussing newsworthy content and important messages society must hear in these hard times. Despite the brutal year we’ve endured, Lexie’s gleaming smile, glowing skin and big sister advice is the positive content we need to help get through the rest of 2020.
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